100 educational videos in Macedonian language for free use

Members of the Center for Innovation and Digital Education, have successfully finished the translation of educational videos and they are continuously synchronized by OHO Production. Translated videos correspond to the teaching material in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics according to the curriculum, for implementation in March, April and May. We hope that they will be useful for all the teachers  as support material in the lessons and to raise students interest and motivation in learning science.

You can watch the videos on the site Наука за деца

Biology videos can be found at: https://www.naukazadeca.mk/videos.php?predmet=4

Chemistry videos can be found at: https://www.naukazadeca.mk/videos.php?predmet=3

Physics videos can be found at: https://www.naukazadeca.mk/videos.php?predmet=2

Mathematics videos can be found at: https://www.naukazadeca.mk/videos.php?predmet=1