Second transnational project meeting within Erasmus+ project “Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools” was held on 15th and 16th of July at Mykolas Romeris University in Vlinius, Lithuania. Maja Videnovik and Vladimir Trajkovik from Dig-Ed participated at this meeting where activities and results from the project implementation so farContinue Reading

Kick-off meeting within Erasmus+ project Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools (NELCA) took place in Trnava, Slovakia from 25.10.2023 to 27.10.2023. Representatives from all partner organizations, 18 in total, participated in the meeting. The meeting was opened by Jana Chynoradská, from Harmony Academy, which was hosting organization. Project coordinatorContinue Reading

Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the Erasmus+ project Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools. The project is a continuation of the previously implemented project Upgrade with Learner Centered Approach ULCA, in which a framework for developing the teachers’ competencies for learner centeredContinue Reading