A workshop organized as part of the project “SHIELD: Simulation Game-Based Hands-on Instruction for Enhancing Cybersecurity Learning and Development” was characterized by a pleasant atmosphere, enthusiasm, interactivity, engagement, and collaborative activities. This project is part of the KnowCyber Grants for Western Balkans civil society organizations, led by the e-Governance AcademyContinue Reading

Two members of Dig-Ed, Georgina Dimova and Maja Videnovik are featured in the EASE e-Yearbook 2024, alongside remarkable European educators and researchers dedicated to advancing STEAM Education. They are among 10 distinguished European STEAM educators, who made a significant impact in 2024 through their educational efforts and their influence inContinue Reading

The second online workshop for the project “Jed(a) of a New Time: MED-AI” took place on December 23, 2024. The session emphasized the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, particularly in fostering media literacy. Participants were introduced with frameworks concerning teachers’ AI-related competencies. Various AI tools and their integrationContinue Reading

The Core Teacher Group for the MED-AI Project was officially formed during an online workshop held on December 17, 2024. The Open Call for teachers attracted significant interest and twenty educators, from 10 schools, were selected to participate in workshops focused on developing training materials, teaching resources, and activities centeredContinue Reading

The activities within the project EduCyberGuardians were presented on 13.11.2024 at American Corner Bitola. Team members Zorica Milkova and Biljana Stojanovska introduced the platform, which features an interactive online teacher training course consisting of six modules. The platform also includes a section with guidelines and support materials to assist teachersContinue Reading

The aims of the project “SHIELD: Simulation game -based Hands-on Instruction for Enhancing Cybersecurity Learning and Development” are to create, implement and deploy a novel workshop-based training methodology and resources for Macedonian primary and secondary schools that combines digital storytelling, AI tools, and game-based learning, focusing on cybersecurity. The projectContinue Reading

On December 11, 2024, the activities related to the development and testing of the media literacy curriculum for elective subjects in primary education were showcased at the American Corner in Tetovo. Project team members Aleksandra Mitrovska, Igor Bogdanoski, Sanja Kuzmanovska, Igor Nikolovski, and Aida Petrovska highlighted the key objectives, activities,Continue Reading

The promotion of the activities within the project “TruthTech: Media Literacy in the Age of AI” (acronym MLinAA)”, with a focus on the additional module related to the personal data protection, was organized on 04.12.2024 at the American Corner in Stip. The project’s authors Silvana Binova and Irina Ivanova presentedContinue Reading

Mirjana Jankulovska and Maja Videnovik, as representatives From Dig-Ed participated in the third transnational project meeting within the Erasmus+ project “Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools”. The meeting took place on 29th and 30th of December in Riga Latvia. During the meeting project partners have discussed the activities withingContinue Reading