Start with the implementation of the project: “Media literacy for all”

In the “Media literacy for all” project, two special educators and rehabilitators from Special primary school “Maca Ovcharova”, Veles, who participated in TechCamp in Ohrid, 2023 and acquired knowledge in the field of media literacy, will implement adapted workshops in the field of media literacy for teaching staff. The workshops are intended for class teachers and informatics teachers who have included students with disabilities in their class, i.e. a total of 8 – 10 from each of the four elementary schools in Veles, as well as 3 special educators and rehabilitators from the same schools. A database of resources and tools applicable to inclusive students with learning disabilities in the field of media literacy will be created, and they will be available on a created website: “Media Literacy for All”. Special educators – mentors will mentor the teachers for 6 months who will create resources for students with disabilities, process the games and resources delivered to them, after which they will be uploaded to the website.

With the implementation of this project, the competences of teachers will be improved for the successful introduction of media literacy in teaching, thereby improving the quality of education among the included students. This includes an understanding of media techniques and strategies, the meaning of games, as well as the development of critical thinking in relation to the media and media literacy. The project will make teaching more interactive and fun, all of which will positively affect the motivation and learning of the included students, as well as their classmates.

Basically, this project aims to improve media literacy and skills among students and to improve the quality of education in primary schools, primarily in the municipality of Veles, and later through the resources on the website, for the rest of the schools in our country.