Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the Erasmus+ project Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools. The project is a continuation of the previously implemented project Upgrade with Learner Centered Approach ULCA, in which a framework for developing the teachers’ competencies for learner centeredContinue Reading

Media Literacy Tech Camp “Countering disinformation through education” was held from 16 to 19.08.2023 at the Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality in Ohrid. The Tech Camp was organized by the Center for Innovations and Digital Education by Dig-Ed, the United States Embassy in North Macedonia, and the U.S. Department ofContinue Reading

Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the project “TechCamp for countering misinformation and disinformation”, co-organized with the United States Embassy in North Macedonia, and the U.S. Department of State’s TechCamp team from DC and financed by the U.S. Embassy in North Macedonia. Center forContinue Reading

Webinar “Learned lessons, what’s next, future steps, feedback” was held on 22.02.2023. Presentation of Scientix and Dig-Ed as Scientix NCP was done. Dig-Ed activities during past two years, as Scientix NCP were presented (webinars, workshops, published catalogues with good practices, online promotion etc.). The newest information concerning Scientix were alsoContinue Reading

The workshop “Future of STEM education on national level: what do we need?”, organized by the Center for Innovation and Digital Education, co-financed by Scientix, was carried out on February 17 and 18, 2023 in Skopje. Teachers, principals, representatives from Ministry of Education and Science, Burau for development of education,Continue Reading

The Europeana MOOC ‘Digital Education with Cultural Heritage’ delves into the educational potential of digital cultural heritage and prepares you for implementing it using digital technologies. This MOOC makes use of Europeana’s digitised collection of cultural heritage and content from the Teaching with Europeana blog. Through it, participants are introducedContinue Reading

Scientix is looking for dynamic, motivated, and creative teachers and educators to join the Scientix Ambassadors Panel. The Scientix Ambassadors Panel, which already consists of more than 1,000 educators, is now open for additional applications. Scientix Ambassadors are active or retired teachers, and other educators. Scientix Ambassadors help share ScientixContinue Reading

The IMPETUS project has launched two open calls for citizen science initiatives that are now open for applications. The IMPETUS project aims to boost recognition of citizen science and comprises an innovative funding scheme for citizen science initiatives in the European Research Area. To do so, the IMPETUS project will notably awardContinue Reading

The competition calls for educators in primary and secondary schools across Europe to explore the lesson plans from Intel’s Skills for Innovation Starter Pack and carry out the lessons with their students. The goal of the competition is to challenge the educators to create and share their stories of implementation,Continue Reading