The project “Media Literacy for all”, which received grant as part of the Continued Engagement Plan after TechCamp Ohrid, aims to improve media literacy among all students, especially students with disabilities. Through adapted workshops in the field of media literacy, the teaching staff in Veles was trained and a databaseContinue Reading

As a product of the Media Literacy Camp “Dealing with misinformation through education” – TechCamp Ohrid, the team composed of the coordinator Zorica Milkova from the “Tosho Velkov – Pepeto” OOU Kavadarci, teacher Biljana Stojanovska from OOU “Sveti Kiril i Metodij” Center, Skopje and IT expert and mentor Aleksandar Acev,Continue Reading

The project “TruthTech: Media Literacy in the Age of AI” has an aim to empower teachers with knowledge and skills needed to design and implement teaching activities, so as to prepare their students to be able to understand and navigate the complex media landscape and especially landscape shaped by ArtificialContinue Reading

The project “Native Terms of Media Literacy Give You Better Capacity” is created as a result of the need to find appropriate translation and interpretation of the media literacy terms. In the teaching process is very important the student to understand the terms for media literacy and to use themContinue Reading

After successfully completing the media literacy camp “Combating Disinformation through Education” TechCamp Ohrid 2023, a team of teachers from five primary schools in the Republic of North Macedonia, after receiving a grant, began implementing the project “Developing and Testing a Media Literacy Curriculum” implemented by the Center for Innovation andContinue Reading

In the “Media literacy for all” project, two special educators and rehabilitators from Special primary school “Maca Ovcharova”, Veles, who participated in TechCamp in Ohrid, 2023 and acquired knowledge in the field of media literacy, will implement adapted workshops in the field of media literacy for teaching staff. The workshopsContinue Reading

In an era where information flows faster and wider than ever before, discerning fact from fiction has become a paramount skill. The “TruthTech: Media Literacy in the Age of AI” (“ML in AA”) is a comprehensive and engaging initiative designed to empower teachers with knowledge and skills needed to design andContinue Reading

Dig-Ed activities within the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation” are part of the Digital Skills Playbook for Educators, publication supported by the European Commission. The playbook is designed to support educators in teaching Digital Competence Framework for Citizens – DigComp 2.2 skills. This playbook has been produced by aContinue Reading

After the implementation of Media Literacy Tech Camp “Countering disinformation through education”, to sustain momentum, encourage continued engagement with this issue, and empower participants to take what they have learned and implement it in their work and lives, the TechCampOhrid Small Grants Competition was announced. The participants have applied forContinue Reading