The workshop “Online STEM teaching – Pedagogical aspects of online teaching, how to have good online class with technology, STEM online materials in local language” was held on January 29 and 30. The workshop was supported and co-organized by Scientix and facilitated by prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovik, Maja Videnovik and Georgina Dimova. It covered elements of an online class, digital resources that can be used (Scientix resources, too), creating video resources, as well as creating a scenario for online teaching. The workshop was attended by around 40 teachers of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, natural sciences, computer science and class teachers (that teach STEM subjects). Ideas were exchanged on how to prepare and implement a good online class. As a result of the workshop, scenarios for online teaching in these subjects will be prepared, by the participants at the workshop. This scenarios will be published on our website and will be free available to all teachers. They will also be used as a base for the call for good online teaching practices.