4th Scientix conference: 18-19 nov. 2022

The 4th Scientix International Conference took place online on 18 and 19 November 2022. The conference provided an overview of the challenges and opportunities in science education in Europe and highlighted the potential and possibilities that the Scientix community can bring about. It also presented multiple opportunities to learn more about different STEM education projects in Europe, deepening connections, generating new ideas and inspiring science educators to foster creativity and enthusiasm for STEM education and share their expertise, knowledge, and best practices.

Around 1.200 teachers, educators, policymakers, science education researchers, STEM professionals, industry representatives, and project managers attended the conference, which featured 32 parallel talks on several STEM topics, 15 STEM projects presented in plenary sessions, eight hands-on workshops, two roundtable discussions focusing on EdTech transforming education and STE(A)M, respectively, and several keynote speeches.

Speakers included Niki Kerameus, minister of education and religious affairs, Greece; Ariadna Farres Basiana, astrodynamics specialists, NASA; Laura Quintana, vice president & general manager, cisco networking academy; Andreas Schleicher, director for education and skills, OECD; Anna Horváth, analyst, European education and culture executive agency (EACEA), European Commission; Joseph Roche, director of research school of education, Trinity College Dublin; Jeremy Rollison, senior director, European government affairs, Microsoft; Michal Uhl, Director of the Czech National Agency for international education and research; and Jan de Craemer, chair, European Schoolnet.

Click the corresponding buttons above to access the conference program, watch videos of the presentations, workshops, discussions, etc., or download the slide shows and posters presented at the conference.