Project EduCyberGuardians

As a product of the Media Literacy Camp “Dealing with misinformation through education” – TechCamp Ohrid, the team composed of the coordinator Zorica Milkova from the “Tosho Velkov – Pepeto” OOU Kavadarci, teacher Biljana Stojanovska from OOU “Sveti Kiril i Metodij” Center, Skopje and IT expert and mentor Aleksandar Acev, the “EduCyberGuardians” project was born.

EduCyberGuardians is a dynamic open online educational platform aimed for primary school teachers. This platform aims to strengthen media and digital literacy, offering teachers the resources and training they need to improve their competencies to navigate the digital landscape more easily and teach their students to discern reliable information, understand dangers from misinformation and to practice safe online habits.

The platform will consist an online interactive teacher training course, as well as a section containing guidance and supporting materials to encourage teachers to develop their own customized electives for implementation in their classrooms.

The goal is to strive for media and digital literacy to be an embedded part of primary education. By empowering teachers with up-to-date quality tools and knowledge, EduCyberGuardians will strive to foster a future where young learners are not just passive consumers, but informed and critical users of media and digital content.

The platform will be built with scalability in mind. The team will monitor, evaluate and update the content, ensuring its relevance and applicability.

The proposed platform will include an automatic feedback system. After each module, teachers will be able to share their experiences, suggest improvements and report outdated information or resources. This direct line to users will ensure that EduCyberGuardians remains responsive to the needs of teachers and evolves with the development and changes of the digital environment.

The modules of the online course will not be limited by a time frame, so teachers will be able to complete them according to their individual capabilities. After completing the six modules that are part of “EduCyberGuardians”, each teacher will acquire a digital certificate.

You will receive information about the launch of the online course and the possibility of following it through the social media pages:

– Facebook –,

– Instagram –,

-Twitter –,

– LinkedIn –

and additionally, through the Dig-Ed website and Facebook page.