Training for managers – Building excellent schools

Within Erasmus+ project “Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools” two members from Dig-Ed, Maja Videnovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, participated in the training concerning Building excellent schools. Training took part from 8th of July to 10th of July 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania and was led by Vanda Novoksonova from Biedriba Eurofortis from Latvia.

The main goal of the training was to empower participants skills to implement excellence approach and continue the KNOWLO transformation at their institution. The KNOWLO framework consists of 7 criteria and 19 sub criteria delineating the principles of SMART Learning Organizations, putting focus on three main pillars of educational quality: organizational excellence, teacher/trainer development and management, and student/trainee engagement. More about KNOWLO framework could be found on the following link

Before the training participants did self-assessment of them and organizational assessment towards establishing SMART Learning organization. During the training they were presenting their assessment, sharing good practices and trying to define improvement suggestions that should be carried out to establish SMART Learning organization. The evaluation criteria were analyzed in details and each organization developed their own improvement plan defining next steps that will be implemented in the future. During the training the communication and collaboration among projects partners strengthened.