Second NELCA transnational project meeting

Second transnational project meeting within Erasmus+ project “Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools” was held on 15th and 16th of July at Mykolas Romeris University in Vlinius, Lithuania. Maja Videnovik and Vladimir Trajkovik from Dig-Ed participated at this meeting where activities and results from the project implementation so far were discussed. Additionally future steps were agreed and timetable for their achievement was set.

The progress of setting up the International ULCA Association of innovative teachers and managers in schools was carried out and future activities within this organization were discussed. After that the analyze of the activities withing working package 3 about Engagement of leaders, managers and admin personnel in ULCA schools was carried out. The discussion of the leaders training was carried out and future steps were defined.

The reflection of the ULCA mentoring in school was done by the participants, explaining how the process was done, what are the outcomes, how teachers reflect on their work etc. The ways how this process will continue and outcomes from these activities were analyzed.

The coordination about WP4 concerning ULCA blended learning on digital skills and creative methodology in the classroom was done. The project progress was assessed and agreement about timeline concerning future activities was set.