Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the project “TechCamp for countering misinformation and disinformation”, co-organized with the United States Embassy in North Macedonia, and the U.S. Department of State’s TechCamp team from DC and financed by the U.S. Embassy in North Macedonia.
Center for innovations and digital education will implement this TechCamp with the main objectives to increase teachers’ media literacy, digital literacy, and critical thinking skills and to develop open educational resources in local languages ready for use in the classroom
Forty teachers will participate on a TechCamp for countering misinformation and disinformation that will be held in Ohrid, in August 2023. The TechCamp will provide combined knowledge in media literacy, education, and cyber security to create the open educational resources in local language. The teachers will work with four international experts and four national experts that have expertise in media literacy, education, and cyber security. During the TechCamp the open educational resources will be developed. After the TechCamp, the teachers will be supported to use the developed educational resources in their classes. The national competition on the development of countering mis/disinformation will be realized. The final conference will share good practices of implementation of the developed educational resources and announce the national competition winner.