Stem Discovery Week 2019 – Walking in the shoes of a programmer

During Stem Discovery Week 2019 on April the 22nd, students from two primary schools – “Strasho Pindjur”,Negotino and “Krste Misirkov”,Skopje walked into a programmer’s hoes for a day. They were introduced to the profession software engineer. The day started with a visit to the Faculty of informatics and computer engineering in Skopje. The Faculty Dean Ivan Chorbev greeted the students. Then professors held workshop where students learned how to program a robot to speak and answer to a questions.
Students also learned about the faculty’s supercomputer and its’ possibilities.
Then students were welcomed by NETCETERA company for software development. There students talked to the engineers and learned about their profession. What education is needed to be a programmer,how does a typical programmer working day looks like, can they work from home, what are they working. What skills does one need to develop to become a good programmer? What do engineers do for fun? Students tried the new VR game that the company is developing.