For the past year and a half Make it Open has been working with teachers, policymakers and parents to create the newly released Open Schooling Navigator, a platform that enables teachers – new and experienced – to explore open schooling, find out what it is, run open schooling projects in their classroom themselves, and discover new ways to engage with the community by solving locally based problems.
We dived a little deeper into the idea behind this platform, by speaking with WAAG, who led the creation of this platform and who gave us some further insights into its design and unique functionalities, in particular the ways in which the platform is adaptable, accessible and functional. As they said, for eight years WAAG has been ‘putting maker education on the map in the Netherlands’. From there, they are ‘taking things a step further’ by contributing to the Make it Open project and leading on the creation of the Make it Open Navigator, a tool made by teachers, for teachers.
To discover these features and more, visit the new Open Schooling Navigator here and if you are a school that would like to be involved in testing these open schooling tools further, get in touch here and one of the Make it Open Hubs will be in contact with you.