Third transnational project meeting as part of Erasmus+ project ”Upgrade with Learner-centred Approach” took place on 24 and 25.09.2021 at primary school Dobje, Slovenia. Maja Videnovik, Vladimir Trajkovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, as Dig-Ed representatives took active participation during a two-day meeting together with project partners from Slovenia, Slovakia and Lithuania.

Learning/ teaching method “Learning walks” was presented, as a way to collect evidence about teaching and learning, evidence of progress and areas for school development. The main aim of this method is to give constructive feedback to the teachers in order to improve teaching on school level. Meeting’s participants had an opportunity to observe tri different classes and to give feedback, positive and inspirational.
During the meeting final presentation of Teachers development framework concerning Learner-centered approach was made and self-evaluation and peer observation sheets were analyzed. The agreement about pilot testing of the produced materials has been achieved. The bases of the second intellectual output were made – The LCA Guidelines for Primary School.
Deadlines for implementation of some of the project activities were agreed, as well as dates for virtual meeting, forth transnational project meeting and conference in Lithuania in spring 2022.
During the meeting project partners had a lot of opportunities to communicate and get to know each other, as well as to collaborate in a constructive atmosphere.