Mirjana Jankulovska and Maja Videnovik, as representatives From Dig-Ed participated in the third transnational project meeting within the Erasmus+ project “Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools”. The meeting took place on 29th and 30th of December in Riga Latvia. During the meeting project partners have discussed the activities withing different working packages, as well as the deadlines for their implementation. Follow up trainings – Building excellent schools and Building visions in schools, preparation and content creation of blended courses: Innovative technology in the LCA classroom, Creative LCA methodology for primary school teachers and Creative LCA methodology for university teachers were the focus of the project meeting. Discussion about the interim report and necessary documents was also carried out.
We are so proud that the International Association of Innovative Teachers & Managers in Education (IAITME) was officially launched and during the meeting elections were carried out and the leadership team was established. For president of IAITME was elected Jana Chynoradská, Slovakia and vice-chairs are Markéta Rusnáková (Slovakia), Maja Videnovik (North Macedonia), Vanda Novoksonová (Latvia) and Irena Žemaitaitytė (Lithuania).
IAITME is an association that brings together experts, innovators, and educational organizations from diverse countries and cultures to improve education at all levels. The goals are to promote innovative approaches in education, to develop schools into smart learning organizations, to connect international educational communities and to share best practices and support the implementation of learner-centered approach in education.