“Train the LCA Teacher-trainer” training took part from 24th to 28th of October 2022 in primary school “Straso Pindzur”, Negotino, North Macedonia. Maja Videnovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, as Dig-Ed representatives took active participation in this training.
During each day original training courses led by the LCA teacher-trainers-to-be were delivered. Feedback about their training was collected from different parties: participants (google forms), LCA observers working along with the elaborated LCA observation sheet and two LCA expert – assessors, Jana Chynoradská and Gabriela Lojova. What was by far the most important component of this teacher-training process was the self-reflection of the LCA teacher-trainer-to-be after s/he had heard all the feedback.
We are very proud that Maja Videnovik, managed to be validated as a certified LCA Teacher-trainer.