On April 7, 2021, the webinar “Presentation of good practices on online tools for formative assessment and creation of digital STEM materials” was realized. Presenters were Marija Velevska and Stojan Manolev, M.Sc., physics teachers in high school. The webinar reviewed the theoretical foundations and practical examples of formative assessment. YouContinue Reading

On February 24, 2021, the webinar “Pedagogical aspects of online teaching – how to realize a good online class” was realized. At the webinar the conclusions from the workshop “Pedagogical aspects of online teaching”, supported and co-organized by Scientix, were presented, as well as the call for good practices fromContinue Reading

Online teaching has led to bigger flexibility in teaching and learning, but also to the necessity of more complex preparation by the teachers. Namely, all teaching strategies, methods and techniques should be planned in details, appropriate digital tools should be carefully chosen, digital resources should be created, different activities shouldContinue Reading

On 24.02.2021 (Wednesday) starting at 6:30 pm, with a support of Scientix, a webinar on “Pedagogical aspects of online teaching – how to realize a good online class” will be realized. The conclusions from the workshop “Pedagogical aspects of online teaching” will be presented at the webinar and the CallContinue Reading

On February 10, 2021, the webinar “Quality online teaching based on interactive educational resources in Computer Science” supported by Scientix was realized. At the webinar  Marija Gogova Pupinoska and Blagorodna Sotirov presented interactive digital resources and how they can be used in online teaching.  Here you ca see the videoContinue Reading

The webinar “Presentation of good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in lower grades” supported by Scientix was successfully realized on 03.02.2021. Attached is the recording from the webinar as well as links to the presentations.     Presentation 1 Presentation 2  Continue Reading

On 03.02.2021, starting at 6 pm, a webinar “Good STEM practices from online teaching in lower grades teaching” will be realized. Teachers Canka Kostova and Biljana Curlevska Manevska, will present their good practices at the webinar. We decided for teachers in lower grades because we believe that those teachers giveContinue Reading