Initial activities within the framework of the project TruthTech: “Media Digital Triangle”, as a result of the Media Literacy Camp “Tackling Misinformation Through Education”, This camp is part of the project implemented by the Center for Innovation and Digital Education together with the Embassy of the United States of AmericaContinue Reading

This week has also ended in which we promoted informatics, coding, critical thinking and problem solving. We thank all the dedicated teachers who joined this action. If we look at the Informatics Week 2024 in numbers, this year we had the largest participation of schools, About 75 schools from MacedoniaContinue Reading

Georgina Dimova, a member of our association, was a guest on October 11 at the Classera webinar on the topic: “Transform Learning in Your Classroom with Intel Skills For Innovation”. At the webinar, she presented her lesson”Stories in Scratch” with which she won the competition organized by Intel during theContinue Reading

We are announcing the last webinar for this year on the topic “Good practices using mobile applications in STEM teaching”. Our presenters are Marija Pupinoska Gogova- informatics teacher and Biljana Stojanovska primary teacher. The webinar will be organized on 21.12.2022 at 18 o’clock. Registration on the link.Continue Reading

Ги известуваме наставниците кои се пријавија за вебинарот на 25.05.2022 дека истиот го поместуваме за реализација на 26.05.2022 со почеток од 19 часот. Ова го правиме по барање на слушателите на вебинарот поради поклопување на терминот со други вебинари. Ние сакаме да им овозможиме на наставниците да ги следат иContinue Reading