During march – june 2020 when all our students were at home learning from the distance many organizations offered interesting classes using online tools. One of them was code.org. Every wednesday through zoom students from all around the word learned coding. Every class were held by different persons – programmers,Continue Reading

Students active participation in the teaching and learning activities is imperative for achieving learning outcomes and acquiring long-lasting knowledge and skills. This is the reason why teachers are always trying to create different activities. They try to implement various teaching strategies in order to raise students’ interest and motivation toContinue Reading

During Stem Discovery Week 2019 on April the 22nd, students from two primary schools – “Strasho Pindjur”,Negotino and “Krste Misirkov”,Skopje walked into a programmer’s hoes for a day. They were introduced to the profession software engineer. The day started with a visit to the Faculty of informatics and computer engineeringContinue Reading

I find excel to be very powerful educational tool, not just boring spreadsheets and charts. I use it in my classroom as a tool to create interactive digital content that can be used by smaller students in their learning of informatics, English language, math and geography. The students learn how to use formulas, conditional formatting and macros. That way they develop creativity, innovation and they start to learn the basis of programming and logical thinking. Continue Reading