This week has also ended in which we promoted informatics, coding, critical thinking and problem solving. We thank all the dedicated teachers who joined this action. If we look at the Informatics Week 2024 in numbers, this year we had the largest participation of schools, About 75 schools from MacedoniaContinue Reading

On May 6 and 7, DIG-Ed hosted the second transnational project meeting of the Erasmus project “Upgrade With Learner Centered Approach” in which DIG-ED is a partner. During the meeting, the previous activities were reviewed: the development of teacher competencies and the teacher self-assessment form. Then the various ideas forContinue Reading

Webinar: Presentation of the good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in mathematics took place on 27.01.2021 at 18:00. Presenter on the webinar was Silvana J. Binova, Scientix Ambassador. During the webinar, Binova has presented different interactive digital resources and some good practices for popularization of theContinue Reading

The forum “Can you be innovative” organized by DIG-ED within the Global Entrepreneurship Week was held on 16.11.2020. Many thanks to the panelists Vesna Nikolovska, Elizabeta Sekirarska and Vladimir Trajkovi кои who once again showed that teachers / professors will always find a way to bring students closer to theContinue Reading

On 08 May our members presented their paper „Using Educational Escape Room to Increase Students’ Engagement in Learning Computer Science” at the International conference  CIIT 2020. Paper authors are : Georgina Dimova, Maja Videnovik, Vladimir Trajkovik.Continue Reading

Students active participation in the teaching and learning activities is imperative for achieving learning outcomes and acquiring long-lasting knowledge and skills. This is the reason why teachers are always trying to create different activities. They try to implement various teaching strategies in order to raise students’ interest and motivation toContinue Reading