Dissemination of the project activities within Erasmus+ project “Upgrade with learner centered approach” was done during the workshop in Skopje in front of 30 teachers. Participants were introduced with project objectives as well as the activities carried out so far.
Teacher Development Framework was presented to the participants as a start point for identifying teachers’ competences in several areas combined in two main categories: Learner Centered Approach and Learn & Lead. The process for development of teachers’ competences using Teacher Development Framework was explained: identifying the level of competences in each of key areas (development phase), identifying the ways for improvement in each of the key areas and implementing different activities in order to develop different competences.
The process of teacher self-assessment was presented and explained in front of the participants and they were encouraged to evaluate their current competences’ level concerning learner centered approach in their classroom and learn & lead competences, on the following link:. ОЦЕНУВАЊЕ (MK) – Welcome to the Learner-centred Approach (ku.sk)