The project “Developing and Testing a Media Literacy Curriculum”, which received grant as part of the Continued Engagement Plan after TechCamp Ohrid, focused on developing and testing a comprehensive curriculum to foster critical thinking and digital literacy skills is successfully approaching its end.
In the previous five months the project’s team has drafted a curriculum for the elective subject in primary schools concerning media literacy, outlining the key objectives, activities, and outcomes. The draft version of this program was tested with students in five participating schools. In each of the schools, media literacy clubs were formed, aiming to provide a collaborative environment where students could engage in hands-on media literacy activities, which are planned according to the designed curriculum. Through interactive workshops, debates, and multimedia projects, students learned to analyze media content critically, identify biases, and create their own media narratives. The feedback from the students was used to improve the quality of the designed curriculum. By the end of the project, the curriculum will be submitted to the Bureau for Development of Education (BDE) for approval as an elective subject.
Within the project a website,, was created which would serve as a central hub for resources and updates., so we recommend checking this web site regularly for any updates and useful information concerning media literacy education.