Representatives from Dig-Ed took part in Erasmus+ project’s activities – Upgrade with learner-centered approach

From 04 to 14 july 2021 members of DIG-ED took part of the KA203 – UPGRADE WITH LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH Erasmus+, KA2 Project. The training was held at Katolicka Univerzita v Ruzomberku in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. DIG-ED is project partner together with Harmony Academy, Slovakia, Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Lithuania, Opshtinsko osnovno uchilishte Strasho Pindjur Negotino, Republic of North Macedonia, Osnovna sola Dobje, Slovenia, Základná škola Ružomberok, Slovakia, Biedriba Eurofortis, Latvia and Vilniaus Prano Masioto Pradine Mokykla, Lithuania.

The training was organized in two segments. The topic of the first segment was LEARN & LEAD SELF – MANAGEMENT held by Jana Jana Chynoradská Principal Manager of Harmony academy, Trnava, Slovakia. In this part of the training participants had opportunity to acquire self-management and leadership competences. The training was very dynamic and interactive and everyone took part in the activities and the discussions.

The second segment of the training was about LEARNER CENTERED APPROACH. The trainer was Gabriela Lojová, University Professor at Comenius University in Bratislava. In this segment the participants were introduced to the seven principles of learner centered approach. The principles were introduced to the participants one by one and through group discussions they had opportunity to share their experiences. Teachers of all levels of education, primary, secondary and University, took part in the training. They had a unique opportunity not only to exchange their experience, but also to share challenges and propose ideas to overcome them.

According to the experience of the DIG-ED members the training was very beneficial and enriching and they strongly recommend it for primary and secondary school teachers, psychologist, pedagogues and school managers, and also for University professors.