Help your students to become climate experts with the new educational pack terra mission

In the spirit of raising students’ awareness of climate change, the European Commission-funded Life Terra has launched a sustainability educational package: Terra Mission. The lessons provided can be easily integrated into most subjects and courses at schools for students aged 8-10 and 11-14. Discover them and get your pupils on the Terra Mission to become climate experts!

The educational package consists of an introduction lesson, 8 themes and a closure lesson. Under Terra Mission, you will find materials about climate change, energy transition, waste, circular economy, water, agriculture, air and trees.

All the resources are interactive, have different levels of complexity and can be used separately by theme or as a whole course. Teachers can adapt the materials, include their own inputs/tasks or use them as they are.

In order to deliver the course in the classroom, Terra Mission includes:

  • Gynzy’s platform: themes on the interactive digital whiteboard (IWB) with information, exercises, and video materials
  • Teacher guides with learning goals and instructions on how to implement each theme
  • Worksheets and answer keys for the assignments provided in each theme
  • Suggested outdoor activities
  • Extra exercises, films and games
  • A problem-solving approach based on Problem – Solution – Action
  • All contents are fully customisable and revised by experts from the University of Barcelona
  • Terra Mission Diploma for participating schools at the end

Currently, materials are available in English and Dutch, and will soon be translated into five languages: Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German and Greek. All the materials are developed within Life Terra by Ginzy and with the support of European Schoolnet, Stiching and the University of Barcelona. Learn more about the educational package through this link.