STEM Alliance – DELL POLICYHACK™ report: 8 recommendations to tackle education challenges in Europe

How can teachers leverage technology and digital inclusion initiatives as a force-multiplier for equality and accessibility of quality education? That was the question behind the STEM-Alliance – Dell PolicyHack™ Competition, which called teachers to share their ideas on how to solve challenges in teachers’ STEM education practices from a policy perspective. Based on their solutions, a report advocating for changes in education has been published!

In autumn 2020, the STEM Alliance and Dell Technologies teamed up to run the “STEM Alliance – Dell PolicyHack™ Competition on Education Challenges in Europe“. The participants submitted STEM education challenges that they face on a local/regional level in their teaching, sharing concrete recommendations on how ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) can help solve them.

Entries were submitted within three ICT for STEM Education Challenge Themes: Learning environment and content, Skills in STEM education and Life-long learning. From a wide array of proposals, four brilliant teachers were invited to present their inspiring and innovative ideas in the final events that took place on 23-27 November 2020.

Following these sessions, the STEM Alliance and Dell Technologies published the report “STEM Alliance – Dell PolicyHack™ on Education Challenges in Europe”. The analysis outlines 8 recommendations for education to move forward, especially as Europe plans a digital recovery:

  1. Use technology actively to adopt constructivist approaches in teaching learning practices.
  2. Support collaboration between teachers, researchers and industry partners as well as teacher associations.
  3. Create favourable conditions for schools and teachers to participate in innovative approaches and projects.
  4. Reconsider standardised assessment methodologies.
  5. Create richer stem experience by fostering social-emotional skills.
  6. Pilot game-based solutions involving skills aspects.
  7. Involve the entire local community in the educational challenges and goals.
  8. Overcome the fear of technology.