STEM for all and all for STEM – How we ended the 2022 STEM discovery campaign

The STEM Discovery Campaign is an annual joint international initiative organised by Scientix that takes place from the beginning of February to the end of April.

The campaign brings together and connects STEM enthusiasts from all over the world to promote and innovate in STEM education. This year’s topic was ‘STEM for All’, with the aim of showing that STEM goes beyond classroom constraints and everyone can be a STEM scientist, at least for a day. Participants also had the opportunity to submit their activities and take part in 14 different competitions organised by various partners of the campaign.

This year’s campaign was supported by 110 schools, projects and organisations (see the list here), and it had the widest outreach since the first STEM Discovery Week. The activities were happening well beyond European borders! Tens of thousands of teachers, students and schools worked hard between February and April to put their schools on the map and show all their interesting activities. We are very proud of the quantity and the quality of their work!

We are pleased to announce that the final numbers for the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign are:

  • 191,600 educators, parents, industry representatives, policymakers and pupils involved
  • among them 24,400 teachers
  • 8,900 schools engaged in the campaign
  • 1,696 organised activities
  • 45 countries all over the globe

As every year, our participants were encouraged to share their experience and ideas for new and extraordinary activities through the STEM Discovery Campaign blog. More than 200 incredible stories from different classrooms have been published on the blog! The STEM Discovery Campaign blog is unique evidence of teachers’ dedication and readiness to go above and beyond for their students, even in the hardest times.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the massive success of this campaign and made it possible to reach more students than ever! You really did make STEM for all!

On the map below, you can see all STEM activities submitted to the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign.