The new Scientix TV is out!

On 29 April, the pilot of Scientix TV, the first show where you can look at the world through STEM glasses, was launched. Born out of collaboration with education stakeholders such as industry and teachers, this show has many goals. Aiming above all to thank all the teachers who strive to improve STEM education every day, Scientix TV becomes a meeting place to share and, most importantly, have fun.

Each month, the programme will cover a different STEM topic, ranging from STEM careers to artificial intelligence, chosen together with our main stakeholders, the teachers. Each show will last about twenty minutes and will include interviews, panel discussions, competitions and many activities related to STEM education.

In the pilot episode, themed STEM Discovery Campaign, Scientix TV was presented by Agueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet, and Bjorn Bachmann, coordinator of this year’s campaign. Also speaking were two teachers: Anita Šimac, from Croatia, who explained how she and her fellow Scientix Ambassadors promote Scientix to teachers in Croatia, and Álvaro Molina Ayuso, from Spain, who invited a plant ecologist into his classroom to encourage students to pursue a STEM career.

Moreover, Ivana Kovac, the STEM Alliance coordinator, spoke about the IBM and STEM Alliance’s SkillsBuild Competition (SDC ), and Isidora Salim presented the development of the SDC over the years and surprised us with a wacky science experiment. The audience was also invited to take part in a Kahoot.

Watch the episode here and let us know what you think!