Time to vote for your favourite Scientix resource! Take part in translation service campaign 2

Scientix and STEM School Label invite you to vote for the most useful teaching materials and get the chance to have your favourite resource from the repository translated into 37 languages! The second edition of the Translation Service Campaign will focus on curriculum implementation.

In the spirit of raising citizen awareness of global issues through STEM education, the STEM School Label gives teachers the opportunity to integrate in their classroom and in their own language the most valuable educational materials from European projects published in the Scientix repository.

You will be able to vote from today until 6 December. After the voting, the most popular teaching materials under the “curriculum implantation” STEM School Label key element will be translated by Scientix to make them available in 37 languages.

Read the conditions and how to cast your vote here.

Buzzy Bees, second winner of the first edition, is now published in 37 languages

The first edition of the Translation Service Campaign took place under the STEM Discovery Campaign 2021. Teachers voted for their favourite resource under the STEM School Label categories “Connections” and “School Leadership and Culture”.

The three most voted-for teaching materials were: “STEM Careers and Skills of Future”, “Buzzy Bees”, and “Step into Space Print @ Home Exhibition”. You can now download the first and second winning resources in your language. Stay tuned to get the last one!