As part of the cooperation among Center for innovation and digital education Dig-Ed and OXO Production, within the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation”, financed by US Embassy in Skopje, intro videos concerning the games with characters from 5+ Family were produced. Those videos are continuation onContinue Reading

During the implementation of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation”, financed by US Embassy in Skopje, Center for innovation and digital education has established a cooperation with OXO Production. OXO production has developed a show narrative and made production and distribution of 3 videos of theContinue Reading

During the implementation of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation”, financed by US Embassy in Skopje, Center for innovation and digital education has established a cooperation with OXO Production. Students – winners at the competition for the best games created in Scratch concerning “Cyber-security and misinformation”Continue Reading

Representatives from Dig-Ed participated in a training event “Building excellent schools based on the EFQM model of excellence”. The training was organized as part of the Erasmus+ project “Upgrade with learner centered approach” and was held in Riga, Latvia from 22.08.2022 to 26.08.2022. The training aim was to introduce organizationsContinue Reading

Students from the Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering as part of the subject Media and communications has created educational videos about the Computer Science concepts. The main idea behind this activity was to enrich the database of educational resources in Macedonian language. Created videos are aimed for theContinue Reading

Representative from Dig-Ed participated in TPM organized in Riga, Latvia as part of the Erasmus+ project “Upgrade with Learner Centered approach”. During the meeting partners discussed about the progress of intellectual outputs, made some agreements concerning the Guide for teachers, teacher trainers and managers and talked about the future implementationContinue Reading

Representatives from Dig-Ed from 3.7.2022 to 13.7.2022 participated in the courses “Learner centered approach” and “Learn&Lead – Self management” as part of Erasmus+ project ”Upgrade with learner centered approach – ULCA”. The courses were held at Mykolas Romeris University, in Vilnius, Lithuania. “Learner centered approach” was facilitated by prof. GabrielaContinue Reading

Scientix has a new online course, inspired by this year’s “STEM for All” STEM Discovery Campaign, helping Early Childhood educators, Primary and Secondary school teachers to enhance their subjects with STEM topics. The STEM Out of the Box MOOC will help teachers to learn how to integrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)Continue Reading