Maja Videnovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, as representatives from Dig-Ed participated at international conference, ULCA: Pathway to Excellent Schools, Knowledge-sharing & Networking in Education, that was held at the Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok, on November 9 and 10 2022. This conference was a key event organized by a teamContinue Reading

The sixth episode of Scientix TV is out now. This month’s topic is environmental education. In this episode, you will hear from Francesc Baró, the activities coordinator for the COOLSCHOOLS project in Belgium; Tullia Urschitz, a teacher from Italy who implemented nature-based solutions in the classroom; and Deidra Parrish Williams, leader of global corporateContinue Reading

“Train the LCA Teacher-trainer” training took part from 24th to 28th of October 2022 in primary school “Straso Pindzur”, Negotino, North Macedonia. Maja Videnovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, as Dig-Ed representatives took active participation in this training. During each day original training courses led by the LCA teacher-trainers-to-be were delivered. FeedbackContinue Reading

Have you missed teaching STEM during the summer break? Then tune in to the fourth episode of Scientix TV! This month’s topic is how to encourage students to choose STEM subjects and careers. Àgueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department at European Schoolnet, and Romane Leute, Coordinator of Impact EdTechContinue Reading

Looking for teaching resources in your own language? With the start of the new school year, Scientix and STEM School Label invite you to vote for your favourite resources in the Scientix Resource Repository . The most voted resources will be translated into 37 languages! The fifth edition of the Translation Service Campaign willContinue Reading

On 3 October, the 5th episode of Scientix TV was released. This month’s topic is immersive education. Àgueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet interviewed Dr. Tunç Erdal Akdur, project coordinator at the Turkish Ministry of National Education. Under Dr. Akdur’s coordination, 28 teachers from 14 schools inContinue Reading

On 16 and 17 March, Pixel is hosting the 12th edition of the New Perspectives in Science Education international conference in a hybrid format at Grand Hotel Mediterraneo in Florence (Italy) and online. The goal of the conference is to bring together teachers, researchers, practitioners, and project managers from all over the world to shareContinue Reading

Scientix workshop – STEM Schools, what should we make to increase the interest about STEM subjects in schools, how to develop good STEM School Strategy was held on 30.09 and 01.10.2022 in Veles, as part of the Center for innovation and digital education’s activities as Scientix National Contact Point. TheContinue Reading

Within the framework of the Back To School Campaign 2022, the STEM Allianceand GSMA are organising the “STEM Alliance – GSMA Competition: mSchools Challenge”. The competition calls for teachers and educators at primary and secondary schools in Europe to integrate selected activities from two mSTEAM modules into their classroom activities. Teachers and educators can participate inContinue Reading