Workshop about using games in educational process was organized as part of the project “Using games to learn cyber security and misinformation”. Participants at the workshop, around 30, were educational professionals that work in different educational levels. During the first day of the workshop, project activities and project outcomes wereContinue Reading

A month ago, we put out the Call for the #ScientixAmbassador Visibility Campaign. We are moved by how much the community has reacted, having received hundreds of entries. The #ScientixAmbassadorVisibilityCampaign, or #SAViC, has now reached its first 100 posts on Twitter and Facebook. The #ScientixAmbassadorVisibilityCampaign aims to promote and giveContinue Reading

As a result of a competition launched in May 2022, Center for innovations and digital education has received games created in Scratch that tackles cyber security and misinformation. Those games were evaluated by the project evaluation committee (PEC) which consists from representatives from FINKI (Faculty of Information Science and ComputerContinue Reading