During march – june 2020 when all our students were at home learning from the distance many organizations offered interesting classes using online tools. One of them was code.org. Every wednesday through zoom students from all around the word learned coding. Every class were held by different persons – programmers,Continue Reading

On August 25th Gjorgjina Dimova, Scientix ambassador organized short online workshop “Scientix – opportunity for all” for the teachers in primary schools in  Negotino. This workshop was part of a teacher online training about professional development. 30 teachers participated in the workshop and they were introduced to Scientix, Scientix repository,Continue Reading

After analyzing the curricula in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics, as well as comparing it with the list of educational videos offered by FuseSchool, it was concluded that for each of the four listed subjects there are educational videos that can be used during the lessons, at least one videoContinue Reading

As a result of the successful identification of educational videos from FuseSchool that correspond to the curricula in chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics implemented in March, April and May, their translation in Macedonian, as well as the positive reaction of the teachers towards them, the initiative Naukazadeca decided to continueContinue Reading

The hashtag #НаукаЗаДеца, as part of the “Nauka za deca” initiative, started as a call for students (first of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, but the call is open to all) to create short videos with experiments made at home and shared on social media. The idea isContinue Reading

Members of the Center for Innovation and Digital Education, have successfully finished the translation of educational videos and they are continuously synchronized by OHO Production. Translated videos correspond to the teaching material in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics according to the curriculum, for implementation in March, April and May. WeContinue Reading

On 08 May our members presented their paper „Using Educational Escape Room to Increase Students’ Engagement in Learning Computer Science” at the International conference  CIIT 2020. Paper authors are : Georgina Dimova, Maja Videnovik, Vladimir Trajkovik.Continue Reading