Maja Videnovik has been a panelist at the UNICEF conference: The Interplay Between Child Wellbeing and Academic Attainment on 9th and 10th of March 2022. She was speaking about children education in digital age during the panel discussion: Balancing between the rising importance of technology and digital skills and studentContinue Reading

Students from five primary schools in North Macedonia took active part in the celebration of Safer Internet Day 2022, implementing different activities within the project “Using games to learn cyber security and misinformation”, supported and financed by US Embassy Skopje Starting from 7.2.2022 until 11.2.2022 different activities were carried outContinue Reading

Students from five primary schools are making final preparation for celebrating Safer Internet Day 2022. They have created educational materials concerning cybersecurity and misinformation that will be used during the lectures given to lower grades students, starting from 7.2.2022 as part of the project “Using games to learn cyber securityContinue Reading

At the beginning of the implementation of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation: GaCySeMI” a draft version of the project methodology and plan for implementation were created. In addition materials for empowering teachers’ competences on cyber-security and misinformation as well as basics of storytelling as aContinue Reading

Center for innovations and digital education Dig-Ed has started with the implementation of the activities from the first phase of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation: GaCySeMI”. Teachers that will be involved in the project activities were selected according to their previous experience and collaboration onContinue Reading

Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation: GaCySeMI” financed by the US Embassy in North Macedonia. Center for innovations and digital education will implement this project to deepen primary school students’ knowledge on cybersecurity andContinue Reading