The STE(A)M it project has just published the first European integrated STEM teaching framework!
Integrated STEM teaching is more important than ever. However, the number of tertiary students in STEM fields is falling, the STEM industry is experiencing talent shortages, and with the lack of STEM visionaries, innovation is stalling. That is why we need to start nurturing STEM experts today. To fix this,Continue Reading
The 4th episode of Scientix TV is out!
Have you missed teaching STEM during the summer break? Then tune in to the fourth episode of Scientix TV! This month’s topic is how to encourage students to choose STEM subjects and careers. Àgueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department at European Schoolnet, and Romane Leute, Coordinator of Impact EdTechContinue Reading
Vote for your favourite Scientix repository resources in the translation service campaign 5
Looking for teaching resources in your own language? With the start of the new school year, Scientix and STEM School Label invite you to vote for your favourite resources in the Scientix Resource Repository . The most voted resources will be translated into 37 languages! The fifth edition of the Translation Service Campaign willContinue Reading
The 5th episode of Scientix TV is out!
On 3 October, the 5th episode of Scientix TV was released. This month’s topic is immersive education. Àgueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet interviewed Dr. Tunç Erdal Akdur, project coordinator at the Turkish Ministry of National Education. Under Dr. Akdur’s coordination, 28 teachers from 14 schools inContinue Reading
Webinar “Good practices using mobile applications in STEM teaching”
We announce the new webinar “Good practices using mobile applications in STEM teaching”. Igor Bogdanoski and Igor Nikolovski will share their experiences using mobile apps in their teaching. The webinar will be held on 18.10.2022 starting at 6 pm. Registration is on the link.Continue Reading
Join the 12th edition of the international conference “New perspectives in science education”
On 16 and 17 March, Pixel is hosting the 12th edition of the New Perspectives in Science Education international conference in a hybrid format at Grand Hotel Mediterraneo in Florence (Italy) and online. The goal of the conference is to bring together teachers, researchers, practitioners, and project managers from all over the world to shareContinue Reading
Scientix workshop – STEM Schools, what should we make to increase the interest about STEM subjects in schools, how to develop good STEM School Strategy
Scientix workshop – STEM Schools, what should we make to increase the interest about STEM subjects in schools, how to develop good STEM School Strategy was held on 30.09 and 01.10.2022 in Veles, as part of the Center for innovation and digital education’s activities as Scientix National Contact Point. TheContinue Reading
Take part in the STEM alliance – GSMA competition: MSCHOOLS challenge
Within the framework of the Back To School Campaign 2022, the STEM Allianceand GSMA are organising the “STEM Alliance – GSMA Competition: mSchools Challenge”. The competition calls for teachers and educators at primary and secondary schools in Europe to integrate selected activities from two mSTEAM modules into their classroom activities. Teachers and educators can participate inContinue Reading
A call for sharing good STEM practices using mobile applications
Dig-Ed in collaboration with Scientix announces a call for sharing good practices using mobile applications. The purpose of the call is to strengthen the STEM community at the national level, by sharing practices and improving the quality of teaching in STEM fields. Each of you has the opportunity to presentContinue Reading
Intro videos for games with the characters from 5+ Family about cybersecurity and misinformation
As part of the cooperation among Center for innovation and digital education Dig-Ed and OXO Production, within the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation”, financed by US Embassy in Skopje, intro videos concerning the games with characters from 5+ Family were produced. Those videos are continuation onContinue Reading