Students from the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, during their classes within “Media and communication” have created educational materials in Macedonian language connected with media literacy, aimed for primary school students. During the implementation of the project activities connected to “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation” itContinue Reading

The Center for Innovation and Digital Education Dig-Ed is announcing a call for Scratch-created games in the area of Cyber security and misinformation. The call is part of the project „Usage of games for learning about Cyber Security and misinformation“, supported and funded by the US Embassy. It is intendedContinue Reading

Scientix is organising three new Science Projects Online Workshops (SPOWs) taking place in May 2022. The Scientix SPOWs aim to inform teachers about socially relevant STEM topics and to train them on how to introduce them practically in their classrooms. The SPOWs consist of various activities, taking place over three weeks, including the readingContinue Reading

Would you and your students like to take part in a competition? What about creating a world with Minecraft: Education Edition? We invite you and your class to enter the ‘STEM Alliance – Minecraft: Education Edition Competition’ , running from 1 March to 30 April 2022 at 23:59 CET, under the themeContinue Reading