Recordings from the webinar “Quality online teaching based on interactive educational resources in Computer Science”
On February 10, 2021, the webinar “Quality online teaching based on interactive educational resources in Computer Science” supported by Scientix was realized. At the webinar Marija Gogova Pupinoska and Blagorodna Sotirov presented interactive digital resources and how they can be used in online teaching. Here you ca see the videoContinue Reading
Join the Science Project Online Workshops by Scientix!
Scientix, within the framework of the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign, decided to go one step further and offer teachers the unique opportunity of attending their Science Projects Workshops in the online format, therefore converting them into the Science Projects Online Workshops (SPOWs)! Selected participants will attend exclusive workshops of top projects featuredContinue Reading
Recordings of the webinar “Presentation of good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in lower grades”
The webinar “Presentation of good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in lower grades” supported by Scientix was successfully realized on 03.02.2021. Attached is the recording from the webinar as well as links to the presentations. Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Continue Reading
Webinar “Quality online teaching based on interactive educational resources in computer science”
On February 10, 2021, a webinar will be realized on the topic “Quality online teaching based on interactive educational resources in computer science” supported by Scientix. Blagorodna Sotirov and Marija Pupinoska Gogova, computer science teachers, will present their good practices at the webinar. This webinar will be realized as partContinue Reading
Workshop “Pedagogical aspects on online teaching”
The workshop “Online STEM teaching – Pedagogical aspects of online teaching, how to have good online class with technology, STEM online materials in local language” was held on January 29 and 30. The workshop was supported and co-organized by Scientix and facilitated by prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovik, Maja Videnovik andContinue Reading
Webinar “Good STEM practices in online teaching in lower grades”
On 03.02.2021, starting at 6 pm, a webinar “Good STEM practices from online teaching in lower grades teaching” will be realized. Teachers Canka Kostova and Biljana Curlevska Manevska, will present their good practices at the webinar. We decided for teachers in lower grades because we believe that those teachers giveContinue Reading
Presentation of the good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in mathematics
Webinar: Presentation of the good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in mathematics took place on 27.01.2021 at 18:00. Presenter on the webinar was Silvana J. Binova, Scientix Ambassador. During the webinar, Binova has presented different interactive digital resources and some good practices for popularization of theContinue Reading
Webinar “Good STEM practices in online mathematics teaching”
The webinar “Good STEM practices in online mathematics teaching” will be realized on January 27, starting at 6 p.m. At the webinar Silvana J. Binova will present her good practices from the online teaching of mathematics with emphasis on the development of interactive digital resources. You can apply for theContinue Reading
MOOC Exploring Nature Based Solutions in Your Classroom
How can you teach your students about ecosystems, sustainability and biodiversity? How can your classroom have an impact in the fight for a more sustainable future? The “Exploring Nature Based Solutions in Your Classroom” MOOC, starting on 11 January 2021 in the European Schoolnet Academy, will help you support, engageContinue Reading
Webinar “Presentation of the good practices concerning online STEM teaching and digital STEM resources in Macedonian language by Macedonian teachers” recording
The webinar “Good STEM practices” was successfully realized on 23.12.2020. At the webinar, Aida Petrovska and Biljana Nikolova presented successful practices from their teaching. You can watch the video from the webinar here. Continue Reading