Dig-Ed has been selected as Scientix 4 National Contact Point for the period 2020 – 2022. The objectives of Scientix 4 are the same as for Scientix 3: to ensure the continuation/adaptation of the Scientix  activities and to contribute to and support the development of national strategies for wide uptake and dissemination ofContinue Reading

Scientix, with Amgen Teach and the STEM Alliance, is launching a comprehensive international survey on teachers’ practices and use of educational technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the survey, which is addressed to teachers in primary and secondary education (students aged 3 to 19) will be used toContinue Reading

After analyzing the curricula in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics, as well as comparing it with the list of educational videos offered by FuseSchool, it was concluded that for each of the four listed subjects there are educational videos that can be used during the lessons, at least one videoContinue Reading

As a result of the successful identification of educational videos from FuseSchool that correspond to the curricula in chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics implemented in March, April and May, their translation in Macedonian, as well as the positive reaction of the teachers towards them, the initiative Naukazadeca decided to continueContinue Reading

The hashtag #НаукаЗаДеца, as part of the “Nauka za deca” initiative, started as a call for students (first of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, but the call is open to all) to create short videos with experiments made at home and shared on social media. The idea isContinue Reading

Members of the Center for Innovation and Digital Education, have successfully finished the translation of educational videos and they are continuously synchronized by OHO Production. Translated videos correspond to the teaching material in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics according to the curriculum, for implementation in March, April and May. WeContinue Reading

The website http://naukazadeca.mk/ has started functioning from Wednesday, May 6, 2020. The main goal is to promote scientific culture and mental education among the youngest. At the same time, the idea of this site is to serve as a source of digital educational resources that can be used in theContinue Reading