A month ago, we put out the Call for the #ScientixAmbassador Visibility Campaign. We are moved by how much the community has reacted, having received hundreds of entries. The #ScientixAmbassadorVisibilityCampaign, or #SAViC, has now reached its first 100 posts on Twitter and Facebook. The #ScientixAmbassadorVisibilityCampaign aims to promote and giveContinue Reading

Ги известуваме наставниците кои се пријавија за вебинарот на 25.05.2022 дека истиот го поместуваме за реализација на 26.05.2022 со почеток од 19 часот. Ова го правиме по барање на слушателите на вебинарот поради поклопување на терминот со други вебинари. Ние сакаме да им овозможиме на наставниците да ги следат иContinue Reading

Scientix is organising three new Science Projects Online Workshops (SPOWs) taking place in May 2022. The Scientix SPOWs aim to inform teachers about socially relevant STEM topics and to train them on how to introduce them practically in their classrooms. The SPOWs consist of various activities, taking place over three weeks, including the readingContinue Reading