The second webinar on : Presentation of good practices concerning online tools for formative assessment and created STEM online materials in Macedonian language by Macedonian teachers” will be realized on May 12, starting at 6 pm. It is realized in cooperation with Scientix. Presenters at this webinar are two classContinue Reading

“The Three Rs in Education Competition for Teachers 2021” encourages teachers to create and test materials that include alternatives to animal testing in science, making the lessons and learning scenarios more interesting and connected to real life for students. Up to 50 winning Learning Scenarios will be selected for publicationContinue Reading

The webinar “Realized STEM activities during the Stem discovery Campaign” supported by Scientix was realized on 28 April. During the webinar the presenters shared their activities in creating Learning scenario for STEAM It competition for the Stem Discovery Campaign.   You can watch the recordings here. Here is the presentationContinue Reading

Sustainable Development Goals in Education In 2015, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created and adopted as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by all the United Nations (UN) Members States, aiming to tackle the current main social and environmental worldwide challenges. This edition of the Scientix NewsletterContinue Reading

The sixth edition of the STEM Discovery Campaign focuses on the topics of sustainability and citizenship and is celebrated from 1 February to 30 April 2021, with a peak of activities during the week of 23-30 April, so save the date! The 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign is a joint international initiative organised by Scientix that invites projects, organisations,Continue Reading