Center for innovations and digital education Dig-Ed as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week North Macedonia2021 is organizing an online forum “Developing innovation through project activities in primary education”. The event is going to be organized on 09.11.2021 at 18:00 and the speakers at the forum are going to be: BiljanaContinue Reading

On 20.10.2021 the webinar “Benefits and challenges in the realization of online teaching” was realized. Our presenter Aleksandra Blazevska shared her experience in online teaching. For those who didn’t attend the webinar here are the recordings. Here is the presentation Aleksandra used.Continue Reading

Scientix, STE(A)M IT and European Schoolnet Academy ‘Integrated STEM teaching’ MOOCs rerun is starting on 25 October 2021! With these courses, primary and secondary school teachers will have the opportunity to bring their teaching skills to the next level by mastering the contextualization of STEM knowledge through industry-education cooperation, learningContinue Reading

LCA Teacher Development framework is created as a first intellectual output within Erasmus+ project “Upgrade with learner centered approach”. It describes the developmental phases of teachers and teacher-trainers throughout their career. The aim of the LCA TDF is to support teachers, whichever subject they teach, in their own professional development.Continue Reading

Third transnational project meeting as part of Erasmus+ project ”Upgrade with Learner-centred Approach” took place on 24 and 25.09.2021 at primary school Dobje, Slovenia. Maja Videnovik, Vladimir Trajkovik and Mirjana Jankulovska, as Dig-Ed representatives took active participation during a two-day meeting together with project partners from Slovenia, Slovakia and Lithuania.Continue Reading

On October 6, 2021, starting at 7 pm, the first webinar for this school year “Benefits and challenges in the realization of online teaching” was realized. The presenter was Igor Bogdanovski – mathematics teacher. The webinar made a comparison between distance learning and learning in person and shared new onlineContinue Reading

The 6th edition of the STEM Discovery Campaign, which took place between February – April 2021 and focused on sustainability and citizenship, achieved a record-breaking number of activities never seen before: 2,166. This year, participants had the opportunity to submit their activities and take part in 11 different competitions organised byContinue Reading

On World Teachers’ Day, Scientix presents the first of the three top-voted resources from the STEM School Label Translation Service Competition, published in 37 languages. With this special edition of the “STEM Careers and Skills of the Future” teaching material, we want to celebrate teachers around the globe by giving them theContinue Reading

Center for innovations and digital education has started with the implementation of the project “Using Games to Learn Cyber Security and Misinformation: GaCySeMI” financed by the US Embassy in North Macedonia. Center for innovations and digital education will implement this project to deepen primary school students’ knowledge on cybersecurity andContinue Reading