Promotion of our city using QR codes
Center for innovation and digital education Dig-Ed organized an event during the CodeWeek – Promotion of our city using QR codes. Its organization was supported by Meet and code initiative. This event was part of the action: Community. Meet and code is organized and supported by SAP, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, TechSoup Europe and Metamorphosis inContinue Reading
Tree protectors – Meet and code event
On 9th October Dig-Ed organizes a Meet and code event “Tree Protectors”. During the event students from two primary schools: “Strasho Pindjur”, Negotino and “Krste Misirkov”, Skopje worked together on finding solution for preventing illegal cut of the trees. They used micro:bit as their tool. Teachers: Gjorgjina Dimova and MajaContinue Reading
Activities has started for the European Code Week
We are starting with the activities planned for the European Code week and supported by Meet and code. Our organization got support for three events: Let’s code games and Protectors of the forest, Coding music, and Promoting our town with Qr codes. Today we started with the activities from theContinue Reading
4 Events supported with funds for EU Code Week
EU Code Week will take place from October 5-20, 2019 and is based on the idea for young councilors, an advisory group by former Digital Agenda Commissioner Nelly Cross and is supported by the European Commission. The initiative of Meet and Code is to organize events related to science andContinue Reading
Stem Discovery Week 2019 – Walking in the shoes of a programmer
During Stem Discovery Week 2019 on April the 22nd, students from two primary schools – “Strasho Pindjur”,Negotino and “Krste Misirkov”,Skopje walked into a programmer’s hoes for a day. They were introduced to the profession software engineer. The day started with a visit to the Faculty of informatics and computer engineeringContinue Reading
Say yes to coding – activites
As part of European Code Week 2018, DigEd organized and event under the name “Say yes to coding“. Around 80 students from 4 different primary schools participated in the activity. The schools are: Primary school “Strasho Pindjur” – Negotino, “Krste Misirkov” – SKopje, “Panajot Ginovski” = Stajkovci and “Kiril iContinue Reading
Presenting at the NTE Conference in Belgrade 8-9 june 2018
During the New Technologies in Education Conference in Belgrade Phd Vladimir Trajkovic spoke about introducing coding in primary schools. Continue Reading
Activities for Stem Discovery Week 2018
DIG-ED this year was partner with many other organizations for STEM Discovery Week and supported the activities that promoted STEM education and STEM careers. We organized campaign among primary schools titled: Just say yes – You can be an engineer too. Around 500 students from 4 different primary schools participatedContinue Reading
Stem Discovery Week (23-29 April)
STEM Discovery Week 2018 is a joint international initiative that invites projects, organisations and schools across Europe and around the world, to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The tagline for this year’s campaign “say yes to STEM” describes the partners’ openContinue Reading
Be Smart Teacher – Use smart technology in the classroom
Introduction Today smart technology is student’s best friend. They are growing up in a different world than their teachers surrounded by technology and schools are having problems how to deal with that. Instead of banning phones in the school we are offering you a plan how to integrate smart technologyContinue Reading