The Digital SkillUp (DSU) , a new EU-funded online learning initiative, has arrived to help you find your way to improve your understanding and knowledge around emerging technologies and digital transformation. Learn how to make the most of them in both professional and personal contexts with its free online courses! The DSU initiativeContinue Reading

A new book on STEM teaching activities with an interdisciplinary view has been published by the Academi@ STEM Mangualde. The publication has two volumes: “Innovative Model for Promoting School Success at a Local Level” and “Interdisciplinary Teaching Activities from Pre-School to Primary School”. The first volume presents the strategic and educationalContinue Reading

Scientix is looking for dynamic, motivated and creative teachers to join our Scientix Ambassadors Teacher’s Panel which already consists of 849 Scientix Ambassadors selected from the previous edition of Scientix. Scientix Ambassadors are teachers from anywhere in the world, willing to support the dissemination of Scientix and the exchange ofContinue Reading

From 04 to 14 july 2021 members of DIG-ED took part of the KA203 – UPGRADE WITH LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH Erasmus+, KA2 Project. The training was held at Katolicka Univerzita v Ruzomberku in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. DIG-ED is project partner together with Harmony Academy, Slovakia, Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Lithuania, Opshtinsko osnovno uchilishteContinue Reading

In the spirit of raising students’ awareness of climate change, the European Commission-funded Life Terra has launched a sustainability educational package: Terra Mission. The lessons provided can be easily integrated into most subjects and courses at schools for students aged 8-10 and 11-14. Discover them and get your pupils on theContinue Reading

The University of Applied Sciences in the northern Netherlands (Groningen) is looking for the next batch of students to join their International Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (ITESS). This Bachelor’s degree, launched last year, aims to prepare students for a meaningful job and an adventurous career in the rapidly growingContinue Reading

Encouraging student aged 13-17 who want to solve the world’s biggest problems by giving them the opportunity to learn and experiment on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Engineering or Space Tech is the philosophy of The Knowledge Society (TSK). This organisation runs a ten-month global innovation extracurricular programme for high-schoolContinue Reading

How can teachers leverage technology and digital inclusion initiatives as a force-multiplier for equality and accessibility of quality education? That was the question behind the STEM-Alliance – Dell PolicyHack™ Competition, which called teachers to share their ideas on how to solve challenges in teachers’ STEM education practices from a policy perspective.Continue Reading